School of Stomatology Wuhan University ranked 27th in QS World University Ranking by Subject Dentistry
School of Stomatology Wuhan University ranked 27th in the latest QS World University Rankings by Subject Dentistry (2021). The QS World University Rankings is an annual publication of university rankings which comprises the global over...
Dr. Wei Ji received 2020 IADR Joseph Lister Award for New Investigators
Dr. Wei Ji from the Department of Implantology recently received 2020 IADR Joseph Lister Award for New Investigators, which is managed by the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and supported by Johnson & Johnson Consume...
5 Scholars in WHUSS Among 2019 Elsevier Chinese Most Cited Researchers
On May 7, 2020, Elsevier officially released the 2019 Chinese Most Cited Researchers list. Among 2163 researchers selected, 27 come from Wuhan University. Among 17 Chinese scholars in the field of dentistry, 5 experts serve in WHUSS ...
The 1st International Cooperation Symposium was Held in Our School
In order to further facilitate our communication with our foreign partner schools and promote our “Double World Classes” Project, The 1st International Cooperation Symposium was Held in Our School on Oct. 18, 2019. 15 experts from 9...
Prof. Syngcuk Kim from Upenn Visited Our School
On Oct. 17, 2019, Prof. Syngcuk Kim from the School of Dental Medicine, Upenn was invited to attend the International Seminar on Endodontics, which was hosted by Assoc. Dean, Prof. Zhi Chen. On behalf of our school, Dean, Prof. Zhuan B...
Our Delegation Visited Seoul National University School of Dentistry(SNUSD)
At the invitation of Prof. Jung-Suk Han (Dean of SNUSD), Assoc. Dean Prof. Zhi Chen and Deputy Director Dr. Miao He attended the 3rd International Conference for Future Dentistry held in SNUSD on Sept. 30, 2019-Oct. 3, 2019. Centered ...
Dr. Dong Yang Got Young Investigator Award At the 2019 Annual Meeting of ASBMR
On Sept.20-24, 2019, the 2019 Annual Meeting of American Society for Bone and Mineral Research(ASBMR)was held in Orlando, Florida, America. Dr. Dong Yang made a report called “FAM20B-catalyzed Glycosaminoglycans are Critical Regulators ...
WHUSS Delegation Attended the 13th Tooth Morphogenesis and Development Conference in England
The 13th Tooth Morphogenesis and Development Conference (TMD) was held in Oxford on June 1-6, 2019. TMD conference began in 1978 and is held every three years, specializing in tooth development. This year, it was hosted by several keynot...
Dr. Rui Chen from Japanese Lion Corporation Visited WHUSS
On August 13-14, 2019, Dr. Rui Chen from Lion Corporation was invited to visit our school. She got her bachelor’s degree and master’s degree in our school, and completed her doctoral study in Tohoku University. She delivered a wond...
Prof. Brian O’Connell from School of Dental Science,Trinity College Dublin Visited WHUSS
On August 14-16, Prof. Brian O’Connell, Dean of the School of Dental Science,Trinity College Dublin paid a visit to our school, warmly welcomed by our leaders. On the afternoon of August 15, a cordial meeting was held to welcome this ...