Oral and Maxillofacial Oncology Surgery department
Oral and Maxillofacial Oncology Surgery department is one of the “National Key Clinical Specialties” in school & Hospital of Stomatology in Wuhan University. At present, our department has 1500㎡ building area with 45 hospital beds, and also got top-ranking professional team of clinic,research and teaching.
17 physicians, including 6 chief physicians, 4 deputy chief physicians and 7 attending physicians, and 20 nurses are working in this department. All the physicians have received the medical doctor degrees. The department own 4 doctoral tutors, 7 master tutors, who cultivate more than 10 medical doctors and masters every year. Among these staff, 2 specialists have been receiving the special government allowance from the State Council. Professor Zhao Yifang, as the leader of the department, is the former chairman of the oral and maxillofacial surgery professional committee of the Chinese Stomatological Society. The other physicians are also holding the positions as the chairman, vice chairman, team leaders or the memberships in the Chinese Academy of Stomatology Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Professional Committee, China Anti-Cancer Association head and neck cancer professional committee, Hubei province anti-cancer association head and neck cancer professional committee, Hubei province oral and maxillofacial surgery professional committee, the National oral and maxillofacial Vascular disease group and the National Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Neck Cancer Surgery.
More than 10 national research projects are currently ongoing in the department, most of them are the National Natural Science Foundations. Based on the supports of these foundations, dozens of research results have been published on the high-impact international journals. The researchers in the department are invited to attend the academic conferences at home and abroad, to communicate with other scientists by giving oral presentations, receiving a number of awards.
The main diseases that diagnosed and treated in the department include:
①benign and malignant tumors in the oral and maxillofacial head and neck regions (including salivary gland tumor);
②the infantile hemangioma and vascular malformations (including venous and lymphatic malformations) in the oral and maxillofacial head and neck regions;
③the reconstruction of soft tissues and bones after the radical surgery of tumors in the regions.
The department hold some special technologies, which include:
①the radical surgery of oral and head neck cancers, and repairing of maxillofacial tissue defects using individualized free flaps;
②the decompression, marsupilization and enucleation of the jaw cystic lesions;
③ the comprehensive treatment of the venous and lymphatic malformations;
④the functional reconstruction of the upper and lower jaws and by using the free skin flaps and dental implantation at the same period;
⑤radioactive particles implantation to treat the oral and maxillofacial malignancies.
The department are also focusing on the following research fields:
①The underlying mechanisms of the etiology and progression of infantile hemangiomas and vascular malformations;
②The pathological role of the cancer stem cells in the tumorigenesis and development of the oral cancers;
③The targeted therapy of the oral cancers, vascular anomalies, and he odontogenic cystic diseases;
④The advanced diagnosis and treatment based on the nano-materials for the molecular imaging of oral cancers;
⑤The biogenesis, secretion, and biological functions of the extracellular vesicles and their clinical applications;
⑥The reconstruction of the defects after surgical treatment of the oral maxillofacial-head and neck cancers;
027-87686215 027-87686125 (Working Day 8:00~12:00, 14:30~17:30)
Wei Zhang
Lecturer -
Gang Chen
Associate Professor -
Chen Li
Lecturer -
Xuepeng Xiong
Associate Professor -
Yanfang Sun
Lecturer -
Jun Jia
Associate Professor -
Professor -
Bing Liu
Associate Professor -
Wen-Feng Zhang
Professor -
Zi-Li Yu
Teaching assistant -
Tianfu Wu
Lecturer -
Lin-Lin Bu
Lecturer -
Yi-Fang Zhao
Professor -
Zhi-Jun Sun