Dr. Wei Ji from the Department of Implantology recently received 2020 IADR Joseph Lister Award for New Investigators, which is managed by the International Association for Dental Research (IADR) and supported by Johnson & Johnson Consumer Inc. The Awards Competition was created to award new investigators with original research in oral disease prevention or oral health promotion.
The IADR Joseph Lister Award Review Committee selected 10 finalists from the abundant global applicants for the final Joseph Lister Competition, which was scheduled on March 18 in Washington DC. Due to the global impact of COVID-19, the Joseph Lister competition this year proceeded as a virtual competition. The IADR Joseph Lister Award Review Committee selected First and second prize winners on the basis of (1) Originality, (2) Clarity of Presentation; (3) Potential for Public Health impact; (4) Quality of the oral presentation, and (5) Clear plan for next steps with the research. In the end, Dr. Wei Ji was selected as 2nd prize winner and she will be awarded a monetary prize and a plaque after the meeting.
Besides, our pre-doctoral student Runze JIN attained IADR MTG Outstanding Young Investigator Award for Student Research for his research titled “Loss of MiR338 Rescues the Bone Defects in Runx2 Heterozygous Mutation Partially”.