Recently, two Biomedical-X papers of our school were published. The Nature Index Journal Advanced Functional Materials published an original paper by collaboration of Department of Oral Maxillofacial-Head Neck Oncology of our school with Wuhan University School of Physics and Technology (WHSPT), and University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The title of the research paper is " Cancer Stem Cell-Platelet Hybrid Membrane-Coated Magnetic Nanoparticles for Enhanced Photothermal Therapy of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma ". In this project, the researcher constructed a platelet-CSC hybrid membrane coated iron oxide magnetic nanoparticle (MN) {[CSC-P]MN} for the enhanced integration of diagnosis and treatment of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC). Dr. Lin-Lin Bu (WHUSS) and Dr. Lang Rao (WHUSPT) are co-first authors of this paper. Prof. Zhi-Jun Sun (WHUSS) and Prof. Wei Liu are the corresponding authors.

In addition, Nature Index Journal ACS Nano published another paper entitled "Cancer Cell Membrane Camouflaged Nanoparticles to Realize Starvation Therapy Together with Checkpoint Blockades for Enhancing Cancer Therapy". This project was accomplished by Department of Oral Maxillofacial-Head Neck Oncology of our school, WHUSPT, and Suzhou Medical Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences. To address the question how to improve the response rate of the blockade of immune checkpoint, the physician and scientists collaboratively found that cancer cell membrane coated mesoporous silica nanomaterials loading with glucose oxidase could target tumors and therefore consume the glucose in tumors to achieve the " starvation therapy". The combination of nanoparticles and immuno-checkpoint inhibitors can effectively inhibit the growth of tumors. Dr. Wei Xie (WHUSPT) and Dr. Wei-Wei Deng (WHUSS) are co-first authors of this paper. Prof. Wei Liu (WHUSPT), Prof. Zhi-Jun Sun (WHUSS) and Prof. Wen-Fei Dong of Suzhou Medical Institute are corresponding authors of this paper.

These innovative achievements were supported by National Natural Science Foundation for Outstanding Youth Foundation, National Research and Development Program for Major Research Instruments, National Key Research and Development Program, Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities of China and China Postdoctoral Science Foundation.
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Department of Oral Maxillofacial-Head Neck Oncology
Lin-Lin Bu & Wei-Wei Deng